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Recommended Reading



Frissell, Bob, “Nothing in this book is true, but it’s exactly how things are”

Frog Books Berkeley CA 1994

Hurtak J.J., “The Book of Knowledge. The Keys of Enoch”

Academy for Future Science Los Gatos CA 1987

Lawlor, Robert. “Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and practice (Art and Imagination)”.

Thames & Hudson, 1989

Lundy, Miranda “Sacred Geometry”

Wooden Books, Glastonbury 2006

Melchizedek Drunvalo, “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Vol.1.”

Light Technology Publishing Sedona AZ 1990

Melchizedek Drunvalo, “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Vol.2.”

Light Technology Publishing Sedona AZ 2000

Melchizidek, Drunvalo “Living in the Heart”

Light Technology Publishing Sedona AZ 2003

Michell, JohnThe View over Atlantis”

Garnstone Press London 1972




Bradden Gregg “Awakening to Zero Point”

Video Recording of a conference given at Seattle 1995

Bradden, Gregg “The God Code”

Hay House, California 2004

Bradden, Gregg, “The Isaiah Effect”

Harmony Books New York 2000

Fuller, R.B., “Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking”

MacMillan New York 1975

Hamel, Peter Michael, “Through Music to the Self”

Element Books Shaftesbury Dorset 1978

Hawking, Stephen “A Brief History of Time”

Bantam Books, Boston 1988

Nilsson, Lennart, “A Child is Born”

Faber & Faber London1977

Sheldrake, Rupert, “A New Science of Life”

Paladin Books Granada St.Albans UK 1983

Talbot, Michael, “The Holographic Universe”

Harper Collins New York 1991




Brennan, Barbara Ann, “Hands of Light”

Bantam Books New York 1988

Brennan, Barbara Ann, “Light Emerging. The Journey of Personal Healing”

Bantam Books New York 1993

Brown, Michael “The Presence Process”

Namaste Publishing Vancouver, BC Canada 2010

Haich, Elizabeth, “Initiation”

Seed Center Palo Alto CA 1974

Huffines, LaUna, “Healing Yourself with Light: connecting with the Angelic Healers”

H:J:Kramer 1995

Keyes, Ken Jr., “Handbook to Higher Consciousness”

Living Love Publications, Coos Bay Oregon 1975

Lowen, Alexander, “Bioenergetics”

Coward, McCann & Geoghegan New York 1975

McFetridge, GrantPeak States of Consciousness – Theory and Applications“

Institute for the Study of Peak States, Hornby Island, BC, Canada 2004

Megré, VladimirThe Ringing Cedars Series“ [8 books]

Ringing Cedars Press Kahului, Hawaii 1996

Naranjo, Claudio, “Ennea-type structures. Self-Analysis for the Seeker”

Gateways/IDHHB Inc Nevada City CA 1990

Pierrakos, Eva, “Fear No Evil”

The Pathwork Foundation 1989

Raphaell, Katrina, “Crystal Enlightenment”

Aurora Press Santa Fe New Mexico 1985

Roman, Sanaya, “Spiritual Growth. Being your Higher Self”

H.J.Kramer Tiburon CA 1989

Stone, Hal & Winkelman, Sidra, “Embracing Ourselves”

DeVorss & Co Marina del Rey CA 1985

Szekely, Edmond Bordeaux, “The Essene Gospel of Peace”

IBS Internacional Matsqui B.C. Canada 1978

Taylor, Kylea, “The Ethics of Caring”

Hanford mead Publishers Santa Cruz CA 1995

Wall, Vicky, “The Miracle of Colour Healing”

The Aquarian Press, Wellingborough England 1990




Bakhtiar, Laleh “Sufi – Expressions of the Mystic Quest”

Thames & Hudson New York 1987

Choa Kok SuiThe Ancient Science & Art of Pranic Healing”


Fryba, Mirko, “The Art of Happiness. Teachings of Buddhist Psychology”

Shambala Boston 1989

Gurdjieff, G. “Meetings with Remarkable Men”

Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1963

Gurdjieff, G. “Life is Real only then, when ‘I am’”

Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1981

Gurdjieff, G. “Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson”

Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1950

Harding, Douglas “On Having No Head”

The Buddhist Society, London 1971

HH Dalai Lama & Cutler, Howard C. “The Art of Happiness at Work”

Peregrin Press 2003

Kriyananda, Goswani, “The Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga”

Italian Edition Amrita Books 1993

Lysebeth, André van, “Pranayama. The Yoga of Breathing”

George Allen & Unwin 1979

Maňjuśrimȋtra “Primordial Experience – An Introduction to rDzogs-chen Meditation”

Ed. Namkhai Norbu & Kennard Lipman. Shambala Boston 1987

Padmasambhava The Tibetan Book of the Dead: Awakening Upon Dying”

Namkhai Norbu Ed. Amazon 2012

Swami Vivekananda “Raja Yoga”

Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta 1966

Yogananda Paramahansa, “Autobiography of a Yogi”

Self-Realization Fellowship Los Angeles 1946

Yogananda Paramahansa, “Man’s Eternal Quest”

Self-Realization Fellowship Los Angeles 1975




Fritz, Robert, “The Path of Least resistance”

Fawcett Columbine New York 1989

Fritz, Robert, “Creating”

Fawcett Columbine New York 1991

Gawain, Shakti, “Creative Visualization”

Whatever Publishing Mill Valley CA 1978

Metzner Ralph “Maps of Consciousness”

Collier Books, New York 1971

Spangler, David, “The Laws of Manifestation”

DeVorss & Co Marina del Rey CA 1975




Bailey, Alice A., “Esoteric Psycholgy” Vol.I

Lucis Publishing New York 1936

Bailey, Alice A., “Esoteric Psychology” Vol.II

Lucis Publishing New York 1942

Bailey, Alice A., “From Bethlehem to Calvary. The Initiations of Jesus”

Lucis Trust New York 1965

Bailey, Alice A., “Initiation, Human and Solar”

Lucis Publishing New York 1922

Bailey, Alice A., “The Rays and the Initiations”

Lucis Publishing New York 1993

Cooke, Maurice B., “Seasons of the Spirit”

Marcus Books 1980

Rendel, Peter, “Introduction to the Chakras”

The Aquarian Press Wellingborough 1979

Roeder, Dr. Dorothy, “Reach for Us!”

Light Technology Publishing Sedona AZ 1991

Skarin, Annalee, “Ye Are Gods”

Philosophical Library Inc. New York 1952

Stone, Joshua David, “The Complete Ascension Manual. How to achieve Ascension in this lifetime”.

Light Technology Publishing Sedona AZ 1994

Stone, Joshua David, “Soul Psychology. Keys to Ascension”

Light Technology Publishing Sedona AZ 1994

Stone, Joshua David, “Hidden Mysteries. ETs, Ancient Mystery Schools and Ascension”

Light Technology Publishing Sedona AZ 1995

Stubbs, Tony, “An Ascension Handbook”

Oughten House Publications Livermore CA 1991

West, Devra, “Thresholds. Gateways of Consciousness”

Teachings of Light Stevensville Montana 1997

West, Devra,”The Christ Heart. Vol.1”

Teachings of Light, Victor, Montana 1999




A Course in Miracles

Foundation for Inner Peace, Tiburon CA 1975

Cayce, Edgar Evans, “Edgar Cayce on Atlantis”

Warner Books New York 1968

Clow, Barbara Hand, “The Pleiadian Agenda. A New Cosmology for the Age of Light”

Bear & Co, Santa Fe, New Mexico 1995

Cousins, David, “A Handbook for Light Workers”

Barton House Totnes Devon 1993

Essene, Virginia & Nidle, Sheldon, “You are becoming a Galactic Human”

Spiritual Education Endeavours Santa Clara California 1994

Grattan, Brian, “Mahatma I & II. The I AM Presence”

Light Technology Publishing Sedona AZ 1994

Marciniak, Barbara, “Bringers of the Dawn. Teachings from the Pleiadians”

Bear & Company Santa Fe New Mexico 1992

McClure, Janet, “Scopes of Dimensions. How to experience Multidimensional Reality”

The Tibetan Foundation Sedona AZ 1989

McClure, Janet, “The Story of Sanat Kumara. Training a Planetary Logos”

Light technology Publishing Sedona AZ 1990

McClure, Janet, “The Twelve Rays Seminars”

The Tibetan Foundation Sedona AZ

Milanovich, Norma, “We, the Arcturians”

Athena Albuquerque New Mexico 1990

Essene, V irginiaNew teachings for an Awakening Humanity”

Spiritual Education Endeavours Santa Clara 1986

Ridall, Kathryn, “Channelling. How to reach out to your Spirit Guides”

Philip Lief Group 1988

Roman, Sanaya, “Opening to Channel”

H.J.Kramer Tiburon CA 1989




Beard, James “Thirteen Breaths to Freedom: An Introduction to Breathwork”

Amazon 2011

Dowling, Catherine “Rebirthing and Breathwork: A Powerful Technique for Personal Transformation”

Amazon 2014

Kravitz, JudithBreathe Deeply, Laugh Loudly”

Free Breath Press, Center Sandwich New Hampshire 2002

Minett Gunnel, “Breath and Spirit”

Aquarian/Thorsons Northampton England 1994

Minett, Gunnel “Exhale. An Overview of Breathwork”

Floris Books, Edinburgh 2004

Morningstar, Jim “Breathing In Light and Love”

Transformations Inc.1994

Orr, Leonard, “Breath Awareness”

Inspiration University Sierraville CA 1988

Orr, Leonard & Ray, Sondra, “Rebirthing in the New Age”

Celestial Arts Berkeley CA 1977

Ouellette, Denis W., “Rebirthing according to Spirit”

Privately Printed 1982

Ray, Sondra, “Celebration of Breath”

Celestial Arts Berkeley CA 1983

Taylor, Kylea, “The Breathwork Experience”

Hanford Mead Publishers Santa Cruz CA 1994




Bach, Richard, “The Bridge across Forever”

Pan Books 1985

Castaneda, Carlos, “The Fire from Within”

Transworld Publishers London 1985

Castaneda, Carlos, “A Separate Reality”

The Bodley head 1971

Castaneda, Carlos, “The Power of Silence. Further lessons of Don Juan”

Pocket Books New York 1988

Carroll, Lewis “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”

Dover Thrift Editions 1993

Carroll, Lewis “Through the Looking-Glass”

Dover Thrift Editions 1999

Morgan, Marlo, “Mutant Message Down Under”

Harper Collins New York 1994

Redfield, James, “The Celestine prophecy”

Warner Books New York 1994

Redfield, James, “The Tenth Insight”

Warner Books New York 1996