Global Inspiration Conference

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The GIC is an international event that is held annually in a different country. It is organized and sponsored by the International Breathwork Foundation, IBF (an organization with a network of breathwork professionals and people interested in the transformative power of breathing, worldwide).

Each year this conference attracts hundreds of diverse people: young and old, academic and creative, including professionals from varied areas. The event brings together leading speakers and health professionals who present a wide range of courses and workshops each day. The latest news and research about the many benefits of conscious breathing for our psychological, physical and emotional health are shared. The atmosphere created promotes greater understanding of the transformative power of breath, while fostering a respect for each modality of healing and what it has to offer. Conscious breathing remains one of the most powerful tools for transformation.

Contributions to the event, such as offering a workshop or running a discussion group are welcomed. Many of these contributions will be offered by experienced professional or facilitators; others may come out of their comfort zone to offer a course or workshop for the first time. The variety of experience levels is part of the beauty and richness of the event. The GIC is a wonderful opportunity for personal and professional growth, as well as a time to make valuable connections and friendships worldwide.

The conference is a rich and rewarding experience that fuels your enthusiasm for living more fully, creatively and courageously. There is something magical about spending seven days in the company of people who are excited about growing, learning and developing deeper awareness. Participants repeatedly express amazement at how much of this can happen during one week at GIC.

The event brings together respected keynote speakers and teachers worldwide who present a rich and diverse range of workshops each day. In addition to learning from these sessions, we dance, breathe, hug, hold and share honestly. The environment fosters great respect for each individual, providing a safe place to express our deepest thoughts and feelings about ourselves, each other and the world.

The event can be seen as a celebration of life, and attracts a diverse group of people: young and old, academic and creative, from all parts of the world. The resulting environment promotes healing of divisions, deepening of understanding and growing togetherness. Anyone who feels inspired to participate in this gathering, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey or the extent of their breathwork experience is welcome to come.

You can find more up to date information about uopcoming conferences here